The Ride On is a documentary which follows the remarkable story of a 32-year old scotsman after his diagnosis with the life changing Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
Davy sets himself, his twin brother & close group of friends an incredible challenge; to cycle 500 miles around the north coast of Scotland in just 4 days.
The full film is available on Amazon Prime & Vimeo On Demand.
This has been a hugely personal project for me and it would mean so much if you could take the time to watch, review and share the film. Buying or renting the film will help us raise money for MND so please help us get Davy's story out there and hopefully inspire positive thought and action for others with MND.
The Ride On is a documentary that I have been working on over the past few years about my friend Davy Zyw and his diagnosis with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) at the age of 32.